Joy is not the absense of trouble but the presence of Christ. William Vander Hoven

Monday, January 13, 2014

Out And About

I realize I never even finished up around Christmas this year…so I’m sorry for being all over the place—but it will all be here (eventually).


We went to see Scrooge at Family Church.  We went the first year we were here, and it was great to see it again.  They do a top notch job of it and we know several people in the production which makes it fun too.


Entertaining ourselves before the show.


The very next day (this was on a Friday—so on Sat.) afternoon is when Clara started with the sick—the FLU had entered our house!!  She ran a fever as high as 104 and I was getting a bit nervous about needing to take her to the ER because we couldn’t get meds to stay in her.  Finally, after trying many, we got children’s Tylenol to stay in (good thing we had it as they both takes pills now so we don’t replace the liquid stuff).  Poor thing has never been that sick before and she was shaking all over!  I just had to cuddle with her on the couch knowing full well I was sitting in the cess pool of germs, but what’s a mom to do?

Sunday, it hit me and Mike.  By Monday Lucy fell victim as well.  This was also the worst Lucy has ever been sick.  When the fever was in full force she would try to talk and would just make these sounds that didn’t even appear human.  It was the most pathetic thing, and she would run around looking for something (no idea what) and would get so frustrated.  We had to calm her down from the freak outs, and when the meds kicked in she was much better.

Amazing how a 101 fever can feel much better!!  We all spent about 4 days above 100 degrees, but our bodies did what they were supposed to do and we got better, praise God!  The cough was the last to go, but it always is…


Right before leaving for our trip to Ohio Mike wanted to take the car through the car wash.  It is right next door to Duck commander so the girls and I decided to play tourist instead of wait in line for the wash.  We were shocked to see how much bigger they have made the shop!!  Quadrupled it I would say.  We had fun looking at all their inventory and watching the people.  Many people in from out of town—amazing to read the license plates in the parking lot.  We stood around for a little while by the trailer outside and took pictures of families so they could all be in their shots—it was a lot of fun.  Good way to meet some very interesting people from all over the country apparently  Smile

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"Joy is not the absence of trouble but the presence of Christ." William Vander Hoven
As for me and my blog we will serve the Lord :)