Joy is not the absense of trouble but the presence of Christ. William Vander Hoven

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Wanting To Go

We have been crazy busy around here!  This week has been Stanford testing for Lucy.  I did not have Clara tested this year, but I did volunteer and administered the test for the 2nd graders.  After doing so I have a good idea of where I am at with Clara and I feel really good about where she is!  I decided not to test her only because of some reading issues (we may well be dealing with dyslexia with her as well—I hoped not, as one is enough, but it appears God may have made all 3 of use “special”  LOL).  Other than the reading part, she would have rocked that test though!

This was the first time I had Lucy tested.  I meant to sooner, but we always seem to move around testing time, or close enough that it never happened.  Since leaving GA it isn’t required in the other states we’ve lived in either so it wasn’t high on the priority list.  I know I have 2 more years to get her ready for high school level classes, so I need to make sure we are where we need to be.  It was for 3 days and LONG, but Lucy feels good about what she knew and how she did.  I am looking forward to getting the results!


The last day of testing Lucy had her door open in the car a little too long which gave Bella ample time to hop on up!  She was more than willing to go with us no matter where it was to.  First Lucy was sitting there and Bella was on the floor.  I was trying to get my camera out and Lucy hopped out and Bella promptly took her spot!


I tried to move her out, but she wasn’t having any of that, so she hopped over to the drivers side.  She was so willing to go that she would even drive  LOL!


Um, Bella, really, I need to be in that seat!

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"Joy is not the absence of trouble but the presence of Christ." William Vander Hoven
As for me and my blog we will serve the Lord :)