Joy is not the absense of trouble but the presence of Christ. William Vander Hoven

Tuesday, April 30, 2013


We got some loungers for down by the pool and they are a big hit!  I was thinking 2 chairs ought to do us—but everyone was fighting for them—so we found more coupons for Bed, Bath, and Beyond and got 2 more :)  Now we each have our own and don’t have to fight.  Tonight, we slathered on the bug spray and laid out there by the pool watching the bats fly overhead (not nearly low enough to eat all the mosquitoes down low!!), the clouds, and the bug zapper :)  We found the bug zapper in the garage, left by the previous owners, and we couldn’t be happier.  I don’t know that mosquitoes are attracted to the light, but it is amazing how many bugs are!  It’s like watching fire works!


We did some school work down by the pool today.  After we were done I couldn’t get the girls to leave the loungers.


When I did get in one, this was my view—Mouse promptly got on top of me!  He is very happy that we spend so much time outside here!


I did not sleep great last night due to mosquito bites!  I am absolutely convinced that mosquitoes come straight out of the pits of hell!!  We were trimming the dog up over the weekend and couldn’t swat as it was delicate work cutting these clumps out of her fur.  She has been so itchy and I needed to  get the clumps off, give her a good bath, and really get to see the skin to know if she needs to go to the vet or not.  Her skin actually looks very good.  We are giving her 2 Benadryl a day and that is helping, but not 100% :(  I’m thinking we may need to invest in getting her shaved down so she doesn’t look like she has the mange (like my lack of grooming skills have made her look).  I know she feels better with what I did, but a groomer I am definitely not  LOL!  I also only have little scissors.  We tried Mike’s trimmer, but she was terrified of it.  Anyway, we shall see…

Back to  the picture—I slept in a bit and when I came down the coffee was made and the girls were already hard at work in the school room—makes a Mom happy, happy, happy!!


Fluffy is always on the window seat it seems (especially when we are in there).  Lucy laid down and was OUT!!  She and Fluffy were crashed like this the whole time I was balancing the check book and paying bills.  Definitely put a smile on my face :)

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"Joy is not the absence of trouble but the presence of Christ." William Vander Hoven
As for me and my blog we will serve the Lord :)