Joy is not the absense of trouble but the presence of Christ. William Vander Hoven

Saturday, May 11, 2013

The Salt of Life

We had a very nice trip to Lowes.  We scoured the area for the Bath Crasher guy (you can dream right? :)  and then had to buy 400 lbs of salt!!  That is not a type O—400 lbs!!  To do the conversion of the pool that is what you have to dump into the pool to begin with.  Wow!


We happened to be there when they marked a bunch of plants down 75%!  Well, ok!!  So, we got several larger plants I never would have spent the money on at full price—so that was fun!


Waiting to check out we had to use our patience  :)  There was a new cashier and what a day to learn the register—the place was packed!!  It was fun though.  The worst part is that  I am on some antibiotic for this cold that will not go away.  I am having a horrible reaction to it and it is messing with my mind!!  I will not be taking any more.  I would rather have the cold quite frankly…  So I was fuzzy and anxious (for lack of a better way to describe it), and everyone in the store wanted to chat!  I had some very interesting conversations with people there, and would walk away and double check with Lucy that it really took place because it was like a dream and some was quite weird  :)  LOL!  I will be having them put on my file to NEVER give me this antibiotic again!!

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"Joy is not the absence of trouble but the presence of Christ." William Vander Hoven
As for me and my blog we will serve the Lord :)