Joy is not the absense of trouble but the presence of Christ. William Vander Hoven

Saturday, November 9, 2013

My Kidneys Are Stoned

I have blogged all my pictures and I was going to do this post without pictures but it wasn’t saving or acting right, so I am doing it through here—I hate doing a post with a lot of writing and then losing the darn thing and having to use my brain again to do it all over again  :)


So, a great pic in bed—Bella is between Mike and I and Boaz came and got under the covers. 

Ok, now to my tale…  A couple of weeks ago I went to the doc for what we thought was a UTI.  There was blood in my urine, and I left with a few days worth of Cipro and that should have been the end of the story.  That was on a Monday and I was done with the meds on Th and it seemed to be better, so no problem!  Friday was CRAZY and the girls and I decided that we were going to travel to GA the following day.  We got everything ready, packed up, made arrangements here, made sure Mike had what he would need in our absence, etc.  A busy day—but I felt good, as far as I know  :)  That Sat. I was up and thought we would hit the road earlier then I was planning and I was thrilled about that.  So, off we went, on the road by 5 am!  All was good!

About an hour into the drive I started having some pretty bad pain on my right side (back).  I thought it must be gas (I hoped anyway), and Lucy dug out some gas x for me and I chomped down several!  That wasn’t doing a thing!  I was determined to get to Jackson Mississippi though and I sucked it up!  I made it to the far side of Jackson before stopping (not in a great area).  I walked a bit, went to the bathroom, and there was just no relief.  I knew I had to change where we were at though, so back in the car.  On the way to a better place, I took a bite of a banana.  Oh my goodness, it was awful!!  My mouth was so dry that it just coated my mouth and it was so sweet!!  Nausea hit at that point, but I was driving!!  I was able to make it to a much nicer place, and immediately got out and started throwing up (well really dry heaving—there wasn’t anything in me to throw up—but that was not going to stop my body from trying—with all it’s might!). 

I tried the bathroom, and tried to walk it off in the large parking lot!  I couldn’t stand up straight by now, which was fine since I kept dry heaving too.  What  a sight I must have been walking around that lot!  The whole time seemingly talking to myself too as I was praying—and at times LOUDLY!!  I have never experienced pain like that before in my life!  I had been in contact with Mike, but I couldn’t focus to talk on the phone much, so it was short talks.  I kept thinking of 10 hours ahead of me driving, and finally realized there was no way that could happen, but I could make it 2 hours back home.  We could just do the journey the following day!  I expected after making the decision to turn around that the pain would subside some—but it did not!!  Not at all in fact! 

I tried to drive again, now in the opposite direction.  I got to the closer side of Jackson and had to pull over again.  I could not be still to drive!  I knew that I wasn’t going to make it the 2 hours home either!  I had to call Mike and tell him to come get us!  Again, after knowing he was on his way I expected some relief—but once again, none came!  Now I was at a hotel and had plenty of room, and privacy to walk, dry heave, and pray  :)  By now I had started to shake horribly.  I got in the car and Lucy looked at me shaking and said “Are you ok?”  I looked at her in amazement!  I was hours into this thing by now and she’s just realizing how bad  LOL!  Bless her heart!  Finally, Mike got there and it was all going to be ok.  I ran to him (literally) and hugged him and then I cried—not from the pain but the relief that I wasn’t alone with the girls for this, and I could go HOME!!  I just wanted home so bad!

We decided to leave Mike’s car there, and he would drop me off on the way when we go to GA for real.  With him driving I thought for sure I could make it home.  I knew the hospital was a possibility at this point, but I wanted to wait until we were home.  Surely I could make it the 2 hours home!  On the road again…  only I couldn’t get even slightly comfortable!  The pain was just increasing, and I didn’t think that was even possible!  By Vicksburg, I could go no longer!  First blue H sign, turn!! 

So, there we were in the ER in Vicksburg—not the most state of the art facility to say the least  :)  The woman checking me in was amazed at how bad I was shaking and the obvious pain I was in.  I tried to fill out the paperwork but it wasn’t legible.  After she was done with me she said “honey, are you ok?”  Um, let me think, I’m in an ER YOU MORON!!  That was my inside voice—the outside voice said, “no, not really.”  Fortunately they got me in right away (I would imagine local people avoid this hospital—so no surprise we were there only ones there).  In triage, the guy walks in and immediately says “you’re doing the kidney stone shuffle.” 

I have never bared my arm and flung in someone's face so face as I did for the nurse who came with the blessed IV!!  Her name was Barbara, and she got the IV in on the first try, and got the drugs started!  They try to give you the wimpy drugs first, and for about a minute there was some relief—but not nearly enough!  Barbara had to come back in with the really good stuff!!  Ahhhh, that was so much better!!  But now I’m swimmy headed and NOW everyone wants to come do tests and talk to me!!  CAT scans—which showed I have stones in both kidneys, one stone is 6mm—yay!  Also, I have gallstones, and they saw a large mass in my pelvic area.  So, I had to go in for an ultrasound.  The woman there was not the sharpest knife.  I have stories now though that will forever cause us to laugh thanks to her, so for that I am thankful  :)

Finally I was free to go!  Just stop at the pharmacy for my drugs and then HOME!!  What a long day!  Not long after getting home I finished passing that stone.  I was good on Sunday, but stayed drugged just in case.  Monday it was doctor day.  No crystals in my urine, but still blood.  He took blood for all kinds of things, and sent me on my way.  We scheduled another ultrasound of the mass for beginning of Dec.  The blood work did come back though and there is no reason for concern with that mass---and the past several days I seem to be passing some of it—and cramping so I’m hoping more is coming!  Thank You God for that!

That Tuesday I was convinced I had a UTI and called the doc office for another round of Cipro.  No one was calling back and the feeling was getting way worse.  Not the pain of the weekend, but very uncomfortable and I was not happy!  Trying to do school and pacing!  After several hours of that, I went to pee and then it ended, never to return again.  So, we believe I passed a stone then too.  I’ve been good to go since then though :)

I did go to a Urologist—interesting tid bit—the day I was at the Urologist, my sister was passing a kidney stone in TX!!  What are the odds of that?  So weird!

I did look into the SWL (sound wave lithotripsy)  The Urologist said it would be “elective” which of course changes things with the insurance.  Our plan will pay a large portion, but my portion would be $2000---so, no thank you!  I have been researching and learning a lot about oxalate.  All the while, I am drinking tons of water!  So, now we pray the ones I have will dissolve, and no new ones will form, and our God is certainly able :)

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"Joy is not the absence of trouble but the presence of Christ." William Vander Hoven
As for me and my blog we will serve the Lord :)