Joy is not the absense of trouble but the presence of Christ. William Vander Hoven

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Busy, Busy, Busy

Oh to have a few extra hours a day  :)  We have been so busy—which is good, but I’m looking forward to a little down time personally!


Mike has been working hard on his “bunker” area.  He has not been taking pictures as he goes, but he has been working at getting it water tight down there.  He built himself a rolling storage box for all the pool equipment/stuff.  Has a heck of a work bench/set up in there, has redone the lighting (so it’s no longer a scary dungeon!), and his latest bit has been the doors.  The door to the left is the before, to the right is the after.  He hasn’t had to spend a dime yet on that either—it was spray paint we had and diamond plate we had.  It looks awesome—this picture doesn’t show how cool this really looks!  He has also been digging trenches and working on the drainage down there, so soon it will drain and stay good and dry!


I have been busy with Origami Owl and now I am also a consultant for Thirty One.  I had my first double party this past week at Mike’s work.  Above is the set up I had in the conference room.  The girls were a big help! 


The Origami Owl section…


The Thirty One section…

I’ve also been organizing a craft fair that will take place in 2 weeks.  Wow, is that a lot of work!!  I think it will be really awesome though!  We have about 30 vendors at this time, and are working to raise money for Grace Place Ministries (a local soup kitchen).  There will be a raffle that all the vendors are contributing a prize for.  Many of vendors are homeschoolers, and I’m really excited for them as they are so excited!!  It’s been amazing the different things God is doing with this and it’s an honor to be a part of it all!

So between that and homeschooling, preparing for Thanksgiving and Christmas (I did just finish up my shopping—yay!!), decorating,  Grinch practice (both girls will be in the Grinch that Couldn’t Steal Christmas through our church),  Clara’s birthday party (which is in 2 hours from now), and having to make our own items for the fair—I’m really looking forward to some down time!!  :)  It’s all good though!

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"Joy is not the absence of trouble but the presence of Christ." William Vander Hoven
As for me and my blog we will serve the Lord :)