Joy is not the absense of trouble but the presence of Christ. William Vander Hoven

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Our Oldies Are Happy

With the introduction of all the kittens I just wasn’t sure how our “old” cats would adjust!  Fluffy went through the stage of establishing he is alpha—but he is mostly over that now (he is much more tolerant when it is only one kitten wanting attention—when it’s all 3 he hisses and runs off and will usually give me a look like “really??!!”).  Felix has loved them from the start as they make wonderful play things!  Our big cats have not curled up with the kittens yet—but I am hopeful that day is coming as it would be just too sweet!!

One day Fluffy was laying next to me on the bed (like he is below) and Joey was on my side.  Joey kept sliding down until he was literally sitting on Fluffy’s neck.  I saw Fluffy look at him a few times, but he was fine with it.  Well, Joey is our big time ear sucker (he is always sucking on his siblings ears!), he was eyeballing Fluffy’s ear and finally dove in to suck!  Fluffy was NOT having that!!  He got up and ran!  It was so funny!!  Sitting on his neck was fine—but ear sucking—well not yet (if ever).


Esther was checking Fluffy out and it wasn’t worth his time to move.  Once she was done giving him a good sniff over, she curled up with Lucy.  The 3 of them laid there for a good long time, happy as can be  :)



Here is Fluffy curled up with me on the bed.  I was explaining to a friend how he does this with me all the time, and her cats are a bit keep to yourself type cats so she was fascinated—so I took the pic to show her  :)


This cracks me up!!  I laid down for a quick nap, and Fluffy joined me.  I had no idea Lucy had snapped a picture—how funny is that—we are like twins  :)


Felix is happy as can be as well!!  He is so funny to watch play with these kittens.  He chases them and then holds them down, but doesn’t seem to know what to do with them from there.  They will get away and it will start over again.  They get going on the hard wood/tile so fast they will try to stop and slide several feet, usually only coming to stop by running into something, or flying off the steps down to the living room (that is hilarious!!).


Esther giving Felix a good sniffing while he isn’t playful.

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"Joy is not the absence of trouble but the presence of Christ." William Vander Hoven
As for me and my blog we will serve the Lord :)