Joy is not the absense of trouble but the presence of Christ. William Vander Hoven

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Zoo Trip

Yesterday we went to the local zoo and had a great time!  There was a whole group of us that went which always makes it more fun!!  :)


I didn’t take many pictures—I’m really getting bad at that!  We were in the giant bug area that the kids get to play on (not real bugs) and this peacock had made herself a nest on one of the exhibits.  It was so cool—she was out in the open—they are wild peacocks!  She got up at one point to turn her eggs!  It was so cool to watch!


I have been thinking about this tiger all day—sweetest boy ever!!  He was right below us swimming in his pool and having a great time!  He would swim to the wall and then push off and do a little cart wheel type maneuver, swim around and do it all again.  The whole time he was PURRING!!  I couldn’t figure out at first what that deep rumble was—it was him!!  How incredible to get to experience that!  Sweet boy!!


This guy was stalking a goat!  Don’t know why, and the goat could have cared less.  After a little while the peacock put his stuff away and got over it, but it was a treat to get to see the impressive plumage.  I’m guessing this is Daddy from above…


I had Naomie with us as her mom was teaching swimming this week.  She was hot and cranky and hungry at this point and is fun to mess with when she’s like that—sorry Na!!  After the zoo we all went to Chick Fil A and it was all good again!  I told Na she had to put the thing on her head for them to bring out her meal.  Na knows me well enough to know I was kidding, but apparently the woman who checked us out did not know and was so serious when she said “no ma'am, you don’t have to put it on your head, just put it on the table.”  I had to play along—“are you sure, I don’t think it’s tall enough and I want to make it easy to be seen”.  I thought Na was going to crawl under the counter and hide!!  Good times!!


Lucy being taken away by an eagle.  LOL!  This would have been better if there was FEAR and not laughter on her face!  Goof!


I had to visit the tiger again before leaving.  He was actually in his water bucket (a large galvanized small pool water bowl  :)  He was in there drinking!  I didn’t move fast enough to get that picture though.  He is so awesome!!  I would pay to go back just to visit him—cause what I need is more cats in my life!! 

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"Joy is not the absence of trouble but the presence of Christ." William Vander Hoven
As for me and my blog we will serve the Lord :)