Joy is not the absense of trouble but the presence of Christ. William Vander Hoven

Monday, June 3, 2013

Sweet Little Ones

Last week some jerk left a box of kittens in our driveway.  Came all the way down the driveway to do so too—they were right outside the garage!  Mike was leaving for work, opened the garage door and let Bella out.  She was standing guard over this box and Mike jokingly asked her if the box was talking to her as she was so intent with it.  Apparently, the box was in fact talking to her!  Four little kittens in fact—and they had a lot to say!!

Mike woke me up, and the girls heard “kittens” and that got them up and out of bed super FAST!!!  We took them to the back yard and checked them out.  They were tiny, but seemed healthy enough. 


This one is Joey—he is small and has weak back legs (we did not catch on to that the first day though).  They hung out on the patio and were afraid to leave that area.  We set them up a bed, got them kitten food, and water and they seemed good to go.  Mouse was afraid of them and kept his distance. 


Bella is just the best dog ever.  He loved sniffing on them and seemed to be very protective!


I was trying to get some decent pictures to post online to find them some homes.  I know the shelters around here are awful at killing kittens (I understand they are over run—but no way could I drop them there!). 


This is little Ruth.  We did not get to know here too well.  She was content to be by herself—a bit of a loner.


I was not able to get a good picture of her…  We had lots of errands to run this day and they never left the patio from what we could tell.  There are bushes right off the patio and they used that as their litter, and played in them—climbing and having a grand time—but never leaving the area.  I felt certain they would be fine through the night…

Lucy got up bright and early the following day and went into a PANIC as she could only find one kitten and he appeared to be injured!!  We came running down, and Joey had been stuck in a hole and was walking poorly (we now realize it was that he has weak back legs—which is not uncommon upon further research). 

I had images of animals coming and eating them one by one and the horror show that must have taken place as we had them out there as bait!!  Lucy and I were just wondering around the back yard crying!!  Then I hear yelling from down by the pool “I FOUND BIG BELLY!!”  That was a nick name of the biggest of the kittens (that is him bellow)…  He must have fallen off the wall to the tier below and was in the bushes!!  We were more determined to find the others as hope was alive  :)


This little girl below (on Clara’s lap) is Ester Ivy.  She had been named Ester because she is so pretty, and we added Ivy to the name as we found her jumping through the ivy to the side of our yard!!  When she was down, you couldn’t see her at all!!  She came running back and we were thrilled to have 3 of the 4.  The hunt for Ruth was on!! 


We looked and looked, but no Ruth!!  We figured she would come throughout the day and we spent most of the day in the yard—no Ruth!  I did set up the garage for them as we knew we were not going through that again!! 


I love this picture of Fluffy checking out what was going on.  He did hiss through the door several times and we were concerned about his hunting prowess to let him near them!


Joey would shake and shake the first day, bless his little heart! 


There is Mike in the background searching for Ruth!  He is such a good man!  Before night fall we went to the neighbors house and searched there thinking maybe she found a house and curled up near one.  We drove the driveway behind our house in case she went that way—she has appeared to vanish.  We were heart broken that we were unable to keep her safe, and more determined than ever to keep the others safe! 

Last week was a very hard week for us mentally with animals!  The kittens were dumped on a Friday.  We thought they were all dead Sat. morning, then the joy of finding 3, but the heart break of not finding poor Ruth.  We had a big party here for Memorial Day and hoped someone would take a kitten for a parting gift, but we had no takers :(  Wed. I found Mouse in the pool nearly dead.  Saved him and had a wonderful time with him, hugging and purring and loving (which was a gift God gave us), and then having to put Mouse down on Friday due to what the vet believes was kidney failure (which was taking place prior to the drowning—as that is why I was out so early that morning to check on him and found him in the nick of time—he had stopped eating…).

We also during this time had issues with Bella not breathing right, and the vet said that is due to allergies.  She got a shot, we have a fresh stash of Benadryl, and she has special shampoo—also she had an ear infection and I just finished her up with the medicine for that.  It was a heck of an animal week!!  Mouse is being cremated, Bella is much better thank God, Fluffy and Felix are awesome, and we still have 3 kittens in my closet (they got moved to the closet, so Mouse could have the garage) that we are growing very attached to!!  I would still love to find homes for at least 2 of them as we can only have 1 more inside cat (I think 3 is really the max…).  We are thinking of having Joey inside since he is the runt and is more scared of things.  Ester and Boaz ( the one we called Big Belly the first day) will do great outdoors (however I would love to get them indoor homes since they are litter trained and LOVE being on laps).

We shall see what happens, I just pray for God to provide financially for caring for these 3, and that whatever is best for them is what comes to be…  We truly love them and want what is best for them!!  We know they were weaned too early as two of them (Ester and Joey) suck as though nursing.  Breaks my heart—but it is also so sweet!

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"Joy is not the absence of trouble but the presence of Christ." William Vander Hoven
As for me and my blog we will serve the Lord :)