Joy is not the absense of trouble but the presence of Christ. William Vander Hoven

Saturday, August 14, 2010

The Cats Approve

We had to buy a new couch. Our old one was old and very VERY uncomfortable!! We found out why when taking it out---the whole frame is broken!! It owed us nothing though. I found a great deal on our new couch but it is HUGE. We went from one extreme to the next---a love seat to a monster sectional!! I had forgotten the joy of being able to lay down to watch tv----aaahhh, how nice and we ALL fit on the couch together!!! Even the cats :)

Since the couch was delivered Mouse has not moved from it!! He has sat on every square inch of it and I swear he thinks we bought him a bed not a couch!

Fluffy makes himself comfortable on it too. I love this shot!!! Every day I wake up and Lucy has more pics to show me :)

Yep, I would say the cats approve of the purchase. Sassy could care less, but she isn't going to come out until the girls go to bed anyway. I haven't seen her on the couch yet, but we have gotten up most morning to find the girls have moved to the couch during the night! They were so excited!! We have wanted a couch for a long time that we can all snuggle on, so this is a big treat now!!! We have been doing our school on the couch and hanging out there a lot (NO EATING there though!!!).
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"Joy is not the absence of trouble but the presence of Christ." William Vander Hoven
As for me and my blog we will serve the Lord :)