Joy is not the absense of trouble but the presence of Christ. William Vander Hoven

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Another Day At The Dentist

Well the day came that Clara was going to meet Mr. Novocaine!! I was so nervous for her!! I didn't tell her anything about it and since she has always had good experiences at the dentist she wasn't the slightest bit worried. I just wanted it started and sure enough there was an emergency and we had to wait FOREVER!!!

Finally, the time came. They numbed the area first and then the dentist explained that she was going to put the tooth to sleep and Lucy and I sang lullabies. Clara didn't even flinch!!! I asked her later if she realized she had gotten a shot and she said no. Whew!!!

It was hilarious to watch her with half her face numb!! She was a riot! She would keep her mouth open the whole time and I kept explaining that she can shut her mouth, they will let her know when to open it.

Finally I convinced her it was ok to shut :) I did get some video of her talking (have to download that, it won't download into Picasa). It was so funny!

After she was all done she was trying to make a kissy face with half her face numb---this was the best she could do. We were laughing so hard!!!

Lucy had sealants done to 2 back molars. She is trying to show off the work here, but we can't see them :) A couple of days after this visit Lucy lost her FIRST MOLAR!! She is very excited and we are looking forward to see what the Tooth Fairy brings for a molar!!

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"Joy is not the absence of trouble but the presence of Christ." William Vander Hoven
As for me and my blog we will serve the Lord :)