Joy is not the absense of trouble but the presence of Christ. William Vander Hoven

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Pool Science

I hate spiders!  I always knew I was not a fan of spiders—I just had no idea how much I hated them until moving out to the country  :)  We have been busy here (and when I say we—I mean Mike) cutting back bushes that were very overgrown and make great homes to all kinds of spiders (mainly wolfies) and who knows what else. 

The buy guy is coming tomorrow and I can hardly wait!!


This particular wolfie was the largest I have seen to date (and hopefully EVER!).  I was not putting my hand any closer than this so you really can’t tell, but trust me when I say it was BIG!!!  Big and NASTY!  It was also very much ALIVE!!  I help him under water for a while with the skimmer, then banged it on the deck and proceeded to stomp it until it was a mound of mush!!  Then I squished it down through the deck slats with a stick!


This morning I discovered that there were no spiders in the pool—yay!  But there was a dead lizard (a skink, sadly—we love the lizards and can’t have enough of them!!)  Also in the pool was a dead frog.  They seemed fairly fresh, so I made Clara’s day when I told her about them and said she could in fact dissect them!  She even stopped eating her lunch to run out to do that!!


She inspected them pretty good, had parts all over the plates—did a very good job actually getting out the eyes, tongue, brain, and several organs.  I just have to laugh—what a goof!!  I love it!

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"Joy is not the absence of trouble but the presence of Christ." William Vander Hoven
As for me and my blog we will serve the Lord :)